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icon5.gif   Export entries to XLS or CSV?, posted by scogordo on Wed May 15 17:24:12 2013 
    icon2.gif   Re: Export entries to XLS or CSV?, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Wed May 15 23:31:30 2013 elog-find.png
       icon2.gif   Re: Export entries to XLS or CSV?, posted by Jim Tinlin on Thu May 30 22:52:51 2013 
          icon2.gif   Re: Export entries to XLS or CSV?, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Fri May 31 11:41:48 2013 diff.txt
             icon2.gif   Re: Export entries to XLS or CSV?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jun 4 12:38:01 2013 
                icon2.gif   Re: Export entries to XLS or CSV?, posted by Jim Tinlin on Tue Jun 4 16:17:22 2013 
                icon2.gif   Re: Export entries to XLS or CSV?, posted by Jim Tinlin on Tue Jul 2 22:05:06 2013 
                   icon2.gif   Re: Export entries to XLS or CSV?, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Thu Jul 4 15:27:13 2013 elog-2.9.2-2481_cvs3patch.diff
                      icon2.gif   Re: Export entries to XLS or CSV?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Feb 21 13:25:55 2014 
Message ID: 67518     Entry time: Fri May 31 11:41:48 2013     In reply to: 67517     Reply to this: 67526
Icon: Reply  Author: Andreas Luedeke  Author Email: 
Category: Bug fix  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.9.2-2481 
Subject: Re: Export entries to XLS or CSV? 

Jim Tinlin wrote:

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

scogordo wrote:

I've been asked to export one of our logbooks to xls or csv. Doable?


Hi Scott,

yes, every user can export entries using the "find" command.
Just select the export format in the first line

Export to:  

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Detect language » English

I often use the XML Format, but CSV is fine if you just want to import the entries to some spreadsheet program.

I was shocked to find out that this feature has not yet made it into the documentation?!? But it is that simple to use that there is not much to document.

There is even an "Import" command, to reimport entries from a file. But this is tricky to use: if you have fields of type date or datetime, then you have to convert those fields in the proper format.

I tried EXPORTING logbooks as .csv but have not been fully successful.  Elog seems to only export the data entered for various fields with the exception of the text field.

Here is an example export from my logbook (used to track simulator problems), I would like to also export the TEXT field so it can be used by my managers in excel...but as you can see there is no entry for "TEXT" fields...

Thanks in advance!

"Message ID","Date","Author","Type","Status","Priority"

107,Thu  30 May 2013 11:28:57 -0700,"Jim Tinlin","Graphic Display","Evaluated","Low"

106,Thu  30 May 2013 10:02:24 -0700,"Jim Tinlin","Graphic Display","Identified","Low"

105,Thu  30 May 2013 08:07:27 -0700,"Jim Tinlin","Problem ID","Identified","Medium"

104,Thu  30 May 2013 08:04:30 -0700,"Jim Tinlin","Problem ID","Identified","Medium"

103,Wed  29 May 2013 09:36:11 -0700,"Jim Tinlin","Problem ID","Evaluated","High"

102,Wed  29 May 2013 08:58:02 -0700,"Jim Tinlin","Problem ID","Evaluated","High"

Yes, you're right: the text field is only exported in XML and Raw mode.
It is questionable how EXCEL should cope with HTML or ELCode output from the text fields.
But I admit that this would be a useful feature for logbooks that only use plain text entries. And it is simple to implement.
I've attached a patch to elogd.c from elog-2.9.2-2081 that adds a third CVS mode 'CSV (";" separated) + Text'.
(This string has not yet been added to the localization.)
As far as I've tested it works fine to import the text to OpenOffice and EXCEL, even with multiple text lines and HTML code in the text.
Of course the spreadsheet programs just display the HTML source.
Stefan, do you think this should be added to the official branch?


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Attachment 1: diff.txt  1 kB  | Hide | Hide all
<    if (strieq(mode, "CSV3"))
<       rsprintf("<input type=radio id=\"CSV3\" name=\"mode\" value=\"CSV3\" checked>");
<    else
<       rsprintf("<input type=radio id=\"CSV3\" name=\"mode\" value=\"CSV3\">");
<    rsprintf("<label for=\"CSV3\">%s&nbsp;&nbsp;</label>\n", loc("CSV (\";\" separated) + Text"));
<    csv = strieq(mode, "CSV1") || strieq(mode, "CSV2") || strieq(mode, "CSV3");
>    csv = strieq(mode, "CSV1") || strieq(mode, "CSV2");
<          } else {
<             if (strieq(mode, "CSV3"))
<                 rsprintf(";\"Text\"");
>          } else
<          }
<             } else {
<                if (strlen(text)>0 && strieq(mode, "CSV3")) {
<                   rsprintf(";");
<                   strlcpy(str, text, sizeof(str));
<                   rsputs("\"");
<                   pt1 = str;
<                   while ((pt2 = strchr(pt1, '"')) != NULL) {
<                      *pt2 = 0;
<                      rsputs(pt1);
<                      rsputs("\"\"");
<                      pt1 = pt2 + 1;
<                   }
<                   rsputs(pt1);
<                   rsputs("\"");
<                }
>             } else
<             }
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6