> > I can confirm this bug in V2.9.2. Also after submitting the entry, the orginal image is being displayed, with no rotation, resizing etc...
> Have you tried on the Demo logbook on the PSI server or on your installation. I just attached an image to this entry, rotated it twice, reduced its size and it works fine. The point is that I have to reproduce your bug in order to fix it, but it seems I cannot.
> /Stefan
Hi Stefan,
I've noted that you did your test with a PNG while he was reporting about a problem with a PDF. I'll give it a try with your server 
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It appears to work nicely.
I would suggest that the reporters of the issue add a little bit of information, like the version of the operating system, of ImageMagick and if the problem occurs with only a specific browser, etc.
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Cool: while it worked fine when I've created the entry, it stops working when I EDIT the entry that had been rotated! Actually it sometimes works and sometimes not.
As a workaround you can always go to "1:1" and then retry to rotate. That worked here.
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PS: I've noticed that the thumbnail PNG file only updated in the List view after I did a reload. I'm using Firefox 10.0.11 ESR on SL6.0. |