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icon5.gif   Paragraph width size of log entries?, posted by Ryan Blakeslee on Tue Sep 3 00:34:59 2013 
    icon2.gif   Re: Paragraph width size of log entries?, posted by David Pilgram on Tue Sep 3 08:34:27 2013 
Message ID: 67555     Entry time: Tue Sep 3 00:34:59 2013     Reply to this: 67556
Icon: Question  Author: Ryan Blakeslee  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.5.2 
Subject: Paragraph width size of log entries? 

I've had much success and use with ELOG.  However there is one thing that I wish I could figure out in order to 
make ELOG work exactly as I need it.

When I either create a new ELOG entry, or, have one created via an automated scrip run by CRON, the paragraph 
width is preset. 

I've read the notes and experimented with setting the text size, but it seems that if I either adjust it via the 
config file, or, change the size by dragging the message box itself, then I end up with an ELOG entry that has an 
irregular message size to it than all the others.  Consistency and uniformity is very important to me for how I 
use ELOG.

It would be idea, if the log entries did not contain <CR>'s or justified lines.  In other words, I would like to 
be able to have my ELOG entry fill the width of the screen, be it a wide screen or standard portrait scree, and 
at whatever resolution and text size I have my browser set to.

By not filling the entire width (and also by not having it auto adjust depending on screen size, resolution, 
etc.) there are large portions of the screen real estate that is lost and you end up with very long, scrolling 
log entries versus entries that file the entire width and therefor take less vertical screen space.

With all that said -- Does anyone else have this issue?  And, is there anything I can do to correct this?  This 
would make me a very happy user if it could be done.

Thank you in advance!
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886