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icon5.gif   posting future logbook entries, posted by todd on Thu Sep 12 18:01:34 2013 
    icon2.gif   Re: posting future logbook entries, posted by David Pilgram on Thu Sep 12 22:15:12 2013 
Message ID: 67565     Entry time: Thu Sep 12 22:15:12 2013     In reply to: 67564
Icon: Reply  Author: David Pilgram  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.9.2-1 
Subject: Re: posting future logbook entries 

todd wrote:

Is there a way to post a logbook entry to a future dated logbook file?  I've searched through the user manual for forward dating but can't seem to find anything.  As an example at my office, a user wants to add a personal entry stating they will be absent from work on October 5th and I would like that entry information written to the 131005a.log file instead of the current days log.

I know two ways to do this. Either way you do need some kind of sysadmin status.

Stefan, Andreas, close your eyes for the next sentence.

1.  Set the computer/server clock to 5th October, make the entry, set the clock back again.

2.  Make the entry as normal, then go into the logbook directory and find today's 130912a.log entry - now create a new 131005a.log file, and paste in the relivant entry into this - not forgetting to change the day and date at the top.  Save the file.  Ensure that 131005a.log has the correct permissions and ownership (compare with all the other files) - you do mean you're using linux, didn't you.  Cannot answer for what to do/happen with Windows.

Now I too have this issue - there is one entry I want to keep at the very top of the list until a certain date has passed.  The way that Stefan/Andreas may offer probably will work, but I've never tried it - which is that the entry goes into today's log file, but has a "entry date" category.  I don't know if that would keep the entry at the top of the list until the 5th October has passed.  As I don't want to have an "Entry date" category, I resort to one of the two methods above.

The fact that the ID numbers become out of sequence doesn't seem to affect the performance of ELOG at all in my perhaps rather more extensive experience than the developers would have wanted me to try.


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