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icon5.gif   cannot add new logbooks to any of my logbook groups, posted by Paraic Fahey on Thu Oct 3 10:23:31 2013 
    icon2.gif   Re: cannot add new logbooks to any of my logbook groups, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Oct 7 10:12:31 2013 
       icon2.gif   Re: cannot add new logbooks to any of my logbook groups, posted by David Pilgram on Mon Oct 7 10:33:32 2013 
          icon2.gif   Re: cannot add new logbooks to any of my logbook groups, posted by Paraic Fahey on Fri Oct 11 16:47:58 2013 
Message ID: 67570     Entry time: Mon Oct 7 10:33:32 2013     In reply to: 67569     Reply to this: 67580
Icon: Reply  Author: David Pilgram  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.7.6 
Subject: Re: cannot add new logbooks to any of my logbook groups 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Paraic Fahey wrote:

Each time a attempt to CREATE A LOGBOOK on any of my logbook groups, I get an ELOG ERROR page presenting saying FORBIDDEN ATTRIBUTE DATE.

I have, up until recently been able to add new logbooks.

Can anybody help me on this.

Paraic Fahey

Just modify your configuration file elogd.cfg manually with an editor and add your logbooks there, then restart elogd.


 I cannot answer for Windoze, BUT there is more to this if you use Linux.

(Sorry for re-entry, I spotted a cut-and-paste error from first time around)

If you want to make a new logbook in linux manually, you need to do the following:

0.  Stop the elogd daemon.

1.  Edit elogd.cfg as Stefan said.  This will be in two parts - at the top, and then a block of entries which is what you normally see when you go to the "config" section of any logbook.  Easiest to copy and paste an existing block, only remember to put in a new header in the square brackets at the top - the name of your new logbook.  While most of the elogd.cfg is the same as in the documentation, the additional headers etc are pretty self-explanatory, and you only see these because you're editing the file raw rather than through the elog interface.  Once restarted, you can then edit the config for the new logbook in the usual way.

2.  Create a new subdirectory in your logbooks directory *with the same name* as the name you added in when editing elogd.cfg.

3.  Give that subdirectory the correct ownership and permissions.

4.  Only then, start elogd again.

As a windows user, which of the above you need to do: create the subdirectory (I imagine so) and/or anything else (I don't know).  I don't use Windows - apart from AutoCAD and one other javascript based program that non-the-less has windows dependancies (!).


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