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icon5.gif   Problem with space in name of eLog not seeing %20 and "+", posted by Tom C on Tue Nov 26 00:06:02 2013 
    icon2.gif   Re: Problem with space in name of eLog not seeing %20 and "+", posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Nov 26 08:17:34 2013 
       icon2.gif   Re: Problem with space in name of eLog not seeing %20 and "+", posted by David Pilgram on Tue Nov 26 11:25:48 2013 
          icon2.gif   Re: Problem with space in name of eLog not seeing %20 and "+", posted by David Pilgram on Tue Nov 26 11:28:39 2013 
Message ID: 67626     Entry time: Tue Nov 26 11:25:48 2013     In reply to: 67625     Reply to this: 67627
Icon: Reply  Author: David Pilgram  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.9.2-2455 
Subject: Re: Problem with space in name of eLog not seeing %20 and "+" 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Tom C wrote:

My elog is named "Whatever Elog" so the URL generated is /Whatever+Elog . This works fine but when in the interface certain buttons generate this URL : /Whatever%20Elog  ...this URL fails.  It seems that elog does not recognize these ( + and %20 ) as the same which I believe they should be as part of HTTP request.

Can you be a bit more specific which buttons you mean? The demo logbook has also a space and I cannot see any problem there.

 Years ago I had a similar issue, although I cannot remember the exact details now.  The consequence is that I don't leave any spaces in the log book names.  However, I did find that '&' was fine, and the ampersand and %26 are interchangeable in a logbook page, so one logbook is ECP&SIW, and using ampersand or '%26' work interchangably when making llinks from other logbooks to ECP&SIW  (that is elog:ECP&SIW or elog:ECP%26SIW work equally well)..    This is not true of elog.cfg, where only the actual character should be used.  This may be true for some other urlencoded characters.

It may be of note that %20 and '+' are not the same urlencode and character - %20 is a space, '+' is %2B, and a brief bit of playing around shows that elog is not so tolerant of those characters as it is with & and %26, and I crashed mine several times but I was only playing, nothing serious was lost.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6