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icon13.gif   ELOG on Chrome on MacOS?, posted by John Haggerty on Thu Dec 19 19:42:48 2013 
    icon2.gif   Re: ELOG on Chrome on MacOS?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Dec 20 09:25:08 2013 
       icon2.gif   Re: ELOG on Chrome on MacOS?, posted by John Haggerty on Fri Dec 20 13:38:09 2013 
Message ID: 67642     Entry time: Fri Dec 20 13:38:09 2013     In reply to: 67641
Icon: Reply  Author: John Haggerty  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Mac OSX  ELOG Version: 2.9.2-2475 
Subject: Re: ELOG on Chrome on MacOS? 
> > In the past couple of days, I seem to have developed a problem with making entries into elog's displayed with Chrome (the latest, 31.0.1650.63) on 
> > Mac OS (10.9.1, the latest).  The problem occurs with attempting to edit or enter HTML encoded pages with fckedit; although pages render correctly 
> > in list mode, if you try to edit or enter an entry, the page is blank, the cursor is missing, you can't see text or type new text. 
> That's strange. I just tried myself (by accident I have the same versions of Chrome and OSX) and it just worked fine. The fckedit code has not change a long time, so I guess it's not related to the exact version of 
> elogd. Anyhow I want to switch to ckedit when I get some time, which maybe fixes the problem. What happens if you try to write in this forum, do you have the same problem? Sometime the fcdedit code take 
> quite long time to load when accessed remotely. If your browser gives up, you might hat to click on "reload". In chrome there is also the "Developer tools" window, which shows you all HTTP requests and 
> responses on the network. Otherwise I run out of ideas what could be different for you compared to me.
> Cheers,
> Stefan

Later on, I tried the prescription pointed to in that thread that says in scripts/fckeditor/editor/js/fckeditorcode_gecko.js to replace

FCKTools.FixDocumentParentWindow = function(A){ if (A.document) A.document.parentWindow=A; for (var i=0;i<A.frames.length;i++) FCKTools.FixDocumentParentWindow(A.frames[i]);};


FCKTools.FixDocumentParentWindow = function(A){try{ if (A.document) A.document.parentWindow=A;} catch(e){};for (var i=0;i<A.frames.length;i++) FCKTools.FixDocumentParentWindow(A.frames[i]);};

and after I got all my brackets straight, my pages were visible.  I'm still not sure when this turned up, since I use my elog every day (hour) and so I'd hardly miss it when I upgraded various things, although I don't watch Chrome updating itself that closely.

Have a good holiday!
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6