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icon1.gif   A couple of observations, posted by David Pilgram on Fri Mar 28 14:29:24 2014 
    icon2.gif   Re: A couple of observations, posted by David Pilgram on Fri Mar 28 14:55:16 2014 
Message ID: 67682     Entry time: Fri Mar 28 14:55:16 2014     In reply to: 67681
Icon: Reply  Author: David Pilgram  Author Email: 
Category: Info  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.9.2-a738 
Subject: Re: A couple of observations 
I tried to attach a screenshot showing this, but kept getting a 502 bad gateway error.
The message in the red banner is
Error sending Email via <i>""</i>
with that html showing, by the way.
> Hi Stefan and Andreas,
> When I submitted the previous entry, I had an error message about not able to send via come up as
> a red bar at the top of the elog page - sorry, cannot remember the subdomain name correctly.
> The observations I was going to make is firstly the change in layout of the Find section - maybe I'll get used
> to it but the change in layout wasn't warmly welcomed.
> Also, shame that moving from Subversion means that the increments are no longer in easy numerical order.  So I
> believe that I am commenting on the latest possible version available, a738232.
> A question.  My logbooks directory is now 1.8GB.  Yes, there are a lot of attachments etc to bulk it out, but
> it's all plain text comments.  Is there a limit as to the size, or total number of entries?  Elog takes a
> notible amount of time to index it all these days, and I have wondered whether a couple of "instabilities" might
> be caused by this.  Anyone any thoughts?
> I don't know how I managed it, but I got elog to generate two entries with the identical ID no.  The new entries
> were different as well.  The log file faithfully had recorded the two separate replies to the entry having the
> same ID no as well.   Unfortunately I went and corrected it by editing the YYMMDDa.log file without keeping a
> copy.  I have also had a mysterious entry ID0 appear in threaded display, despite there being no entry 0; and if
> it appears, it appears in two or three places within the list of threaded entries.
ELOG V3.1.5-fe60aaf