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icon5.gif   Preset Text, posted by mike cianci on Fri Aug 8 22:36:29 2014 
    icon2.gif   Re: Preset Text, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Sat Aug 9 06:40:35 2014 
Message ID: 67694     Entry time: Fri Aug 8 22:36:29 2014     Reply to this: 67695
Icon: Question  Author: mike cianci  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.7.5-2185 
Subject: Preset Text 

Sorry for the novice question, but can anyone tell me where the ".txt" document is suppose to reside for the "Preset text" statement to find it? I have a "test.txt" document in the "Template" file but all "Preset text = test.txt" does is print "test.txt" in the comment section.

Thanks,  Mike

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