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icon1.gif   Error report while submitting the entry, posted by harish amin on Mon Nov 24 18:29:34 2014 Elog_error.JPGerror.txt
    icon2.gif   Re: Error report while submitting the entry, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Nov 25 12:36:47 2014 
       icon2.gif   Re: Error report while submitting the entry, posted by harish amin on Wed Nov 26 12:49:12 2014 
          icon2.gif   Re: Error report while submitting the entry, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Nov 26 13:18:36 2014 
             icon2.gif   Re: Error report while submitting the entry, posted by harish amin on Wed Nov 26 19:36:08 2014 
Message ID: 67728     Entry time: Wed Nov 26 13:18:36 2014     In reply to: 67727     Reply to this: 67729
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.8 
Subject: Re: Error report while submitting the entry 

harish amin wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

harish amin wrote:

 Dear Stefan,

I am having a log book with the 5 logbooks. All other books are working fine except only one, every time while submitting the entry I am getting a error message.

I have attached the screen shot along with the error log file.

Please help me in solving this bug.


Harish Amin 

It's hard to guess from the information you sent what is wrong. The program just crashes, after the email notification has been sent successfully. Can you check if the one logbook which is not working is using some path for the logbook directory which it cannot write to due to access limitations? Just a guess.


 Dear Stefen,

I am attaching the config file details of the the logbook which crashes. Please check and reply.

Admin user = harish

password File = eng.pwd

;self register = 1

;Login expiration = 0.18

Theme = default

Comment = Lifesciences Pvt.Ltd.

Menu commands = List, New, Reply, Find, Logout, Help

Attributes = SUBJECT INITIALS, SUBJECT ID, SUBJECT DATE, ASSESSMENT OF VITALS:(To be transcribed from Source Note)Time, Pulse Rate(Per minute), Blood Pressure(mm Hg), CAFFEINE HISTORY:Coffee-Intake(No.of servings), Reasons, Tea-Intake(No.of servings), Reasons, Cocoa-Intake(No.of servings), Reasons, Chocolates-Intake(No.of servings), Reasons, Soft Drinks-Intake(No.of servings), Reasons, Comments(If any), STANDARDIZED MEAL:Start Time, End Time, Comments(If any), EPWORTHS SLEEPING SCALE:Date, Start Time, End Time, Sitting and Reading-score, Watching Tv-score, Sitting inactive in public place(e.g.a theatre or meeting)-score, As a passenger in the car/bus for an without break-score, Lying down to rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit-score, Sitting and talking to someone-score, Sitting quietly after lunch without alcohal-score, In a car/bus while stopped for a few minutes in traffic-score, Total Score, ANT PERFORMANCE:Pre IP Administration Date, Start time, End Time, Media Response Time(ms)-score, Alerting Effect(ms)-score, Orienting effect(ms)-score, Executive Attention(ms)-score, C-VAMS ASSESSMENTS:Pre IP Administration Date, Start Time, End Time, Lethargic to vigorous-score, Muddled to Clear Headed-score, Tired to Energetic-score, Unimaginative to Imaginative-score, Listless to Full of go-score, Inefficient to Efficient-score, Total, IP DISPENSING TIME, Lag Phase End Time, SUBJECT DIARY CHECKED AND DISPENSED, ANT PERFORMANCE:1 Hour 10 Minutes Post IP Administration Date, Start time, End Time, Media Response Time(ms)-score, Alerting Effect(ms)-score, Orienting Effect(ms)-score, Executive Attention(ms)-score, C-VAMS ASSESSMENTS:1 Hour 10 Minutes Post IP Administration Date, Start Time, End Time, Lethargic to vigorous-score, Muddled to Clear Headed-score, Tired to Energetic-score, Unimaginative to Imaginative-score, Listless to Full of go-score, Inefficient to Efficient-score, Total, ASSESSMENT OF VITALS:(1 Hour 10 Minutes) Time,  Pulse Rate(Per minute), Blood Pressure(mm Hg), ANT PERFORMANCE:3 Hour 10 Minutes Post IP Administration Date, Start time, End Time, Media Response Time(ms)-score, Alerting Effect(ms)-score, Orienting Effect(ms)-score, Executive Attention(ms)-score, C-VAMS ASSESSMENTS:3 Hour 10 Minutes Post IP Administration Date, Start Time, End Time, Lethargic to vigorous-score, Muddled to Clear Headed-score, Tired to Energetic-score, Unimaginative to Imaginative-score, Listless to Full of go-score, Inefficient to Efficient-score, Total, ASSESSMENT OF VITALS:(3 Hour 10 Minutes)Time, Pulse Rate(Per minute), Blood Pressure(mm Hg), ANT PERFORMANCE:5 Hour 10 Minutes Post IP Administration Date, Start time, End Time, Media Response Time(ms)-score, Alerting Effect(ms)-score, Orienting Effect(ms)-score, Executive Attention(ms)-score, C-VAMS ASSESSMENTS:5 Hour 10 Minutes Post IP Administration Date, Start Time, End Time, Lethargic to vigorous-score, Muddled to Clear headed-score, Tired to Energetic-score, Unimaginative to Imaginative-score, Listless to Full of go-score, Inefficient to Efficient-score, Total, ASSESSMENT OF VITALS:(5 Hour 10 Minutes)Time, Pulse Rate(Per minute), Blood Pressure(mm Hg)

Options Reasons = Habitual, Urge for caffeine, Facing withdrawl, Others;Specify


Page Title = ELOG - $subject

Reverse sort = 1

The maximum number of attributes is limited to 100, you have 111. Plus you use the attributes "Start Time" and "End Time" more than once. In a future version of ELOG I will add some checking for this, so that you get a proper error message. You can increase the number of attributes, but then you have to recompile elog. I would suggest separating your information into several smaller logbooks.


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6