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icon5.gif   Strange Behavior in "Find" Function, posted by Eric Quintero on Tue Dec 16 01:15:40 2014 
    icon2.gif   Re: Strange Behavior in "Find" Function, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Dec 17 14:40:19 2014 
Message ID: 67731     Entry time: Tue Dec 16 01:15:40 2014     Reply to this: 67732
Icon: Question  Author: Eric Quintero  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.8.1 
Subject: Strange Behavior in "Find" Function 

Hi all,

We've been happily using ELOG for years, but ran into an odd problem when replacing the old Solaris server that ran the ELOG with a newer box running Ubuntu. 

Basically, when I try to search the log, the URL seems to be malformed. I.e. the form produces the query string:


Instead of a functional one like:


We're running v2.8.1, since we like using the global write password mode; our log is viewable here: Any ideas what could've gone wrong? Installation was pretty straightforward, the code compiled happily on the ubuntu machine. 

Incidentally, I notice this logbook is running V3, using CKeditor. Any hints when these might be available for public use?


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6