I added a new optoin "Show last default = <days>", where one can pre-set the "Show last" drop-down box. I think this is a good idea, so now people can configure their elog to a certain default in this parameter. Of course all settings in the Find page are AND'ed together, so if one restricts the search to tha last week, but then looks for a date more in the past, the result will be zero by definition. The change is in the GIT repository. If you cannot recompile the code yourself, you have to wait for the next release.
David Pilgram wrote: |
By the way, in further testing, the "Show last" selection over-rides whatever two dates are selected, so if you ask for any entry in Dec 2014, but the "Show last" selects "week", nothing is found - very quickly. I trust that is what you're after, Eoin. I'll keep my change to the coding, but that's personal choice.