Arghhhh! Guess how many people asked me for the autosave feature! I worked really hard on it (including an airplane flight to Japan!), not the next guy comes "can we disable that feature?". 
I agree that this feature has many side effects, and I have to adress one by one, but in the end the community will benefit. Think of starting a draft at one computer, and finishing at another one. Lazarus won't help you there.
Nevertheless , I added a "Save drafts" which you can set to zero. But I would rather prefer if people tell me their problems, and I fix them, instead of siletnly just disabling this feature and keeping the bugs there unresolved.
Andreas Luedeke wrote: |
By the way Stefan: is there a way to disable the whole draft message feature?
If people are used to e.g. the lazarus addon for firefox, they might prefer their browser to keep their drafts confidential, instead of suffering from accidental premature draft postings ;-)