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icon4.gif   parse a correctly the username in save_user_config when using Webserver authentication, posted by Christof Hanke on Wed May 6 15:13:11 2015 parse_http_user_correctly.patch
    icon2.gif   Re: parse a correctly the username in save_user_config when using Webserver authentication, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jun 9 15:44:49 2015 
Message ID: 67884     Entry time: Wed May 6 15:13:11 2015     Reply to this: 67976
Icon: Warning  Author: Christof Hanke  Author Email: 
Category: Bug fix  OS: All  ELOG Version: 3.1.0 
Subject: parse a correctly the username in save_user_config when using Webserver authentication 

Hi Stefan,


When we use Webserver authentication, we have the correct username already in the variable http_user.

The old way of copying this http_user to "user" is wrong since we don't use the size of http_user.

Instead, just encode the http_user variable directly.

See attached patch against git HEAD.



Attachment 1: parse_http_user_correctly.patch  780 Bytes  | Show | Show all
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6