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icon5.gif   Preloading Options or Moptions from a text file or CSV, posted by Francois Cloutier on Wed May 6 21:25:34 2015 
    icon2.gif   Re: Preloading Options or Moptions from a text file or CSV, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed May 6 21:30:13 2015 
       icon2.gif   Re: Preloading Options or Moptions from a text file or CSV, posted by Francois Cloutier on Thu May 7 02:25:16 2015 
          icon2.gif   Re: Preloading Options or Moptions from a text file or CSV, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu May 7 09:48:32 2015 
             icon2.gif   Re: Preloading Options or Moptions from a text file or CSV, posted by Francois Cloutier on Thu May 7 14:37:39 2015 
          icon2.gif   Re: Preloading Options or Moptions from a text file or CSV, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Mon May 11 22:42:44 2015 
    icon2.gif   Re: Preloading Options or Moptions from a text file or CSV, posted by Jimmy Bria on Fri Apr 1 18:45:01 2016 
       icon2.gif   Re: Preloading Options or Moptions from a text file or CSV, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Apr 4 13:59:42 2016 
Message ID: 67889     Entry time: Thu May 7 09:48:32 2015     In reply to: 67888     Reply to this: 67890
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 310.3 
Subject: Re: Preloading Options or Moptions from a text file or CSV 
Forget scripting under Windows, this is painful and not really working. Wrong OS for that.

But have you considered conditional attributes? With this you can load different option lists straight from the file. Use something like this:

Attributes ..., List, Person

Options List = List A{1}, List B{2}
{1} Options Person = Person a1, Person a2, ...
{2} Options Person = Person b1, Person b2, ...

So if you choose either "List A" or "List B", you get a different set of persons. Is it that what you want?


> a) I couldn't make shell command to execute while elogd was running as a service (I'm running windows and $shell was just returning weird stuff ); shell script was 
> working only when I launch elogd.exe from a command line:
> -elogd as a Service running the following : Subst Infographiste = $shell(dir c:\) 
> will return : Shell execution not enabled via -x flag
> -modifying the Windows Service to add "-X" and running the following :Subst Infographiste = $shell(dir c:\) 
> will return : a empty attribute
> -running elogd "-x" from a command line, the following : Subst Infographiste = $shell(dir c:\) 
> will return : the dir result..
> (I also tried to change under witch user the service was running..)
> b) I just couldn't figure how to build that script....
> But that would be so nice ! I can see so many situations where I could use such a scenario (loading options from another logbook or from a txt/csv file 
> somewhere...)
> Thanks,
> :)
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