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icon5.gif   Is ELOG sending out cookies?, posted by David Pilgram on Wed Jun 10 14:25:16 2015 
    icon2.gif   Re: Is ELOG sending out cookies?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jun 10 15:35:14 2015 
       icon2.gif   Re: Is ELOG sending out cookies?, posted by David Pilgram on Wed Jun 10 15:48:57 2015 
Message ID: 68003     Entry time: Wed Jun 10 14:25:16 2015     Reply to this: 68004
Icon: Question  Author: David Pilgram  Author Email: 
Category: Info  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: V3.1.0-5be245e 
Subject: Is ELOG sending out cookies? 

On my linux box, every time I select a thread, or start a new entry etc, I see that one or many cookies are sent.

On a terminal, I get the message

Received unknown cookie "CalciumDisplayParams"

Now I do have a perl script called Calcium, (Calendar viewed through the browser) but it's definately not running now, not in any browser window, and in any case why should an action of ELOG trigger this?  I realise it may be due to an idiocyncratic set up of this box.  But in normal operation, I doubt the user would see these cookies being received.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6