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Message ID: 68026     Entry time: Wed Jun 17 10:52:16 2015
Icon: Entry  Author: Hanno Perrey  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: V3.1.1-5eada05 
Subject: unknown user name in "Admin user" line invalidates all entries 

I just noted that when having an unknown (or presumably misspelled) user name in the "Admin user" line in the
config file, that the other users are no longer treated as admins and do not see the corresponding link to the
admin page e.g. on the list page. In my specific situation, I in fact have only one user registered (new
password file) but two users still on the admin list (old config file). The one user is only treated as admin
after removing the offending name from the list of admins.

I understand that this might be the intended behavior -- but I wonder if this could lead to a situation where
one locks oneself out, e.g. when adding a misspelled user name to the list.

Thanks and cheers,

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6