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Message ID: 68027     Entry time: Wed Jun 17 19:20:40 2015
Icon: Question  Author: Daniel Sajdyk  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: ELOG V3.1.0-3c6 
Subject: Revisions in other languages 


When I use "Revisions" name for attribute I have correct entry like "DATE by XXX from SOME_IP" which is added to previous edition date. 

But when i rename Revisions attribute to polish language (like "Wersje"), the entry is preceded by 3c6435es and whole looks like "3c6435es DATE by XXX from SOME_IP" and it overwrite previous entry. 

Is "Revisions" attribute must be in english?

Regards Daniel. 


I know what I was doing wrong. I use:

Subst on Edit Wersje = $Revisions<br>$date przez $long_name z $remote_host

but it should be: 

Subst on Edit Wersje = $Wersje<br>$date przez $long_name z $remote_host


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6