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icon4.gif   CKEditor won't load under IE Compatibility Mode, posted by Ben Shepherd on Wed Jun 24 15:18:30 2015 
    icon2.gif   Re: CKEditor won't load under IE Compatibility Mode, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Jun 25 12:52:06 2015 
       icon2.gif   Re: CKEditor won't load under IE Compatibility Mode, posted by Ben Shepherd on Thu Jun 25 15:16:51 2015 01-logbook-sel-page-no-viewport.png02-list-page-no-viewport.png03-list-page-viewport.png04-list-page-viewport-css.png
          icon2.gif   Re: CKEditor won't load under IE Compatibility Mode, posted by David Pilgram on Thu Jun 25 16:20:09 2015 tabstyle.cssheader.html
Message ID: 68029     Entry time: Wed Jun 24 15:18:30 2015     Reply to this: 68033
Icon: Warning  Author: Ben Shepherd  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.0-2411f95 
Subject: CKEditor won't load under IE Compatibility Mode 

I just upgraded to 3.1.0 after many years using 2.9.2. Our eLogs are absolutely crucial for the operation of our accelerators, so first of all I'd like to say: thanks a lot for everything you've done! It's a rock-solid application that works really well.

The issue I'm having is a minor one. Some of our users are using Internet Explorer 11, which has a Compatibility Mode option that is enabled by default for intranet sites (of which our eLog is one). This mode emulates IE7, and this causes the CKEditor rich text box to fail to load. I can tell our users to disable the CM setting on their browsers, but it may be that a simple server-side fix is possible as well.

It would be nice if the eLog pages could have a <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> tag, so that it displays nicely on smaller screens. I've been adding this myself in some Javascript code (see elogHelper.js on the above-linked website), but it doesn't appear on every page (the logbook selection page, for instance). I also made some modifications to the CSS so that the list display collapses down when the browser window is very narrow.

The new autosave functionality is really good. I hacked something together to do this for our log a while ago, but it's nice that it's inbuilt now.

Thanks again!



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6