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icon5.gif   FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server., posted by Marty Jansen on Mon Jul 20 14:45:12 2015 
    icon2.gif   Re: FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server., posted by Andreas Luedeke on Mon Jul 20 15:50:56 2015 
       icon2.gif   Re: FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server., posted by Marty Jansen on Mon Jul 20 17:09:01 2015 
          icon2.gif   Re: FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server., posted by Marty Jansen on Tue Jul 21 09:10:25 2015 
             icon2.gif   Re: FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server., posted by Andreas Luedeke on Tue Jul 21 14:26:03 2015 
                icon2.gif   Re: FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server., posted by Andreas Luedeke on Tue Jul 21 14:59:19 2015 
          icon2.gif   Re: FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server., posted by Andreas Luedeke on Tue Jul 21 14:15:51 2015 
             icon2.gif   Re: FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server., posted by Andreas Luedeke on Tue Jul 21 15:02:19 2015 
    icon2.gif   Re: FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server., posted by Marty Jansen on Sat Jul 25 20:28:45 2015 
       icon2.gif   Re: FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server., posted by Richard Stamper on Tue Oct 13 12:39:14 2015 cogwheel.pngsettings.png
          icon2.gif   Re: FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server., posted by Matthew Sauder on Fri Sep 23 23:38:28 2016 
Message ID: 68050     Entry time: Tue Jul 21 14:26:03 2015     In reply to: 68048     Reply to this: 68051
Icon: Reply  Author: Andreas Luedeke  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 3.1.0-c701f01 
Subject: Re: FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server. 

I think I remember that you can savely ignore the warning message, as long as you don't try to use the equation editor. But I haven't tested it myself; my servers can access the internet - although from behind firewall.

You should be able to configure the CKeditor with some configuration file: what plugins are to be included etc. But I haven't done it myself yet.

Marty Jansen wrote:

Another thing appeared in the IE message ribbon at the bottom before it states "Error on page" . I do get a message that ELOG is trying to download data from
Well, this server has no internet connection and will not get an internet connection.
Is there a way around this issue? I do not want to use an equation editor


Marty Jansen wrote:

Sorry for the typo,of course I meant IE 11.

I do get on "Error on page" error. After switching on the developer tools, I get the following output:

{exception} The value of the property 'dndInit' is null or undefined, not a Function object. I get this error when I trying to make a new entry.

If I use ELOG version 2.9.2-2455 it all works fine, but that version has an different editor.



Andreas Luedeke wrote:
Marty Jansen wrote:

I have installed ELOG version 3.1.0 on a WIndows 2012R2 server with IE 1. [...]

Seriously "IE 1" ??? Javascript was invented in 1995 just before IE 1 came out, I doubt it was supported by IE 1 ;-) I guess it was supposed to read IE 11?

As far as I know the Javascript code of the CKeditor runs on the client, I would not expect the server to be the culprit. I would first try a different browser, then check if the ELOG installation was complete (check for warnings?)

Do you have a Javascript error console in your browser? It should tell you something about what is going wrong.

Cheers, Andreas




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