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icon5.gif   ELOG 3.0 plus and MS Windows issues., posted by William Wong on Wed Aug 5 02:59:50 2015 
    icon2.gif   Re: ELOG 3.0 plus and MS Windows issues., posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Aug 5 12:09:47 2015 
       icon2.gif   Re: ELOG 3.0 plus and MS Windows issues., posted by William Wong on Wed Aug 5 23:36:29 2015 
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Message ID: 68075     Entry time: Fri Aug 7 16:13:09 2015     In reply to: 68074
Icon: Reply  Author: Richard Stamper  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 3.0 
Subject: Re: ELOG 3.0 plus and MS Windows issues. 


William Wong wrote:

Thank you for recompiling ELOG.  Unfortunately, there is no change in all the test machines
I ran the newly compiled ELOG 3.1.1-1 on.  I will use the 2.x version until our systems move
to a new operating system or I can find someone in my IT department who knows how to compile programs
from the source code. 

If anyone else has suggestions or could compile the source for us to try, please speak up.  There are
many installations of obsolete operating systems in production :smiley

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I recompiled the executables according to

and replaces the elog311-1.exe distribution. Can you try if it works? Unfortunately I don't have a XP machine here.


William Wong wrote:

Greetings all.  A few ELOG users have posted issues with ELOG 3.0 and newer not working with a variety of MS Windows operating systems,.
I have also encountered a similar problem in my environment.

For the following operating systems:        
1) Windows XP SP3 (32-bit)           
2) Windows Server 2003 SP 2 (32-bit)
when either elog.exe or elogd.exe are run from command line or file manager, the operating system reports the program is not a Win32 application.

I have other test computers that succesfully ran ELOG 3.0, 3.1 and 3.1.1
1) Windows Vista Enterprise (32-bit)
2) Windows 7 Professional (64-bit) 

Has ELOG 3.x and newer changed in regards to support for MS Windows but is not documented on the
official ELOG documentation?

Any help would be most appreciated.

NOTE: The current production ELOG I use on Windows Server 2003 is 2.92-2475 but I would like to use the

features available on the 3,.x versions.  Unfortunately, I am not able to change my production operating system.




ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6