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icon1.gif   Problem with elog and Internet Explorer when saving an entry, posted by TorstenJ on Fri Jul 31 13:59:12 2015 elog_picture.jpg
    icon2.gif   Re: Problem with elog and Internet Explorer when saving an entry, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Aug 4 15:36:48 2015 
       icon2.gif   Re: Problem with elog and Internet Explorer when saving an entry, posted by TorstenJ on Mon Aug 10 12:02:27 2015 
          icon2.gif   Re: Problem with elog and Internet Explorer when saving an entry, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Aug 12 10:54:27 2015 
Message ID: 68076     Entry time: Mon Aug 10 12:02:27 2015     In reply to: 68071     Reply to this: 68077
Icon: Reply  Author: TorstenJ  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: v3.1.0.3 
Subject: Re: Problem with elog and Internet Explorer when saving an entry 

Hello Stefan,

thanks for you reply. I tried an ujpdate today to my old installation, but also after cleaning the IE cache, the problem consists. The same result is, when doing a clean new installation, with the default elog.cfg and and cleaned cache as well an IE that was reseted to defaults.  

I am running version v3.1.1 3f311c5 now.      Do you maybe have another idea, to fix that issue.



Stefan Ritt wrote:

This issue should have been fixed in the new version 3.1.1. If the problem still persists, try to clear your browser's cache, since it might still have cached the old JavaScript files having this bug.

TorstenJ wrote:

Hi all,

first off all let me say, that I realy like this great tool. That is a lot of help for keeping our server documentation up-to-date. Thanks to all contributors for that.

I right here, because I actually have an issue with saving entries working with IE11 (but also in IE9). When ever I enter an entry, and click the save button, the page open a page with the text: "OK 1"   or the second attemp: "OK 2"   3rd  "OK 3" and so on (see screenshot). To get back to my Item list, I have to click the back button in the internet explorer. I also opens a lot of draft entries in my databases.  When I submit my entry, I don't have an issue, and the entry is saved correctly.

This issue doesn't happen when using Google Chrome.

Had anyone an simlar issue using elog with IE?  It would be great to have some help with that issue.





ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6