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icon5.gif   Show attachments = 0, posted by Eric Quintero on Wed Aug 12 23:44:16 2015 
    icon2.gif   Re: Show attachments = 0, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Aug 13 08:41:57 2015 Screen_Shot_2015-08-13_at_8.43.40_.png
       icon2.gif   Re: Show attachments = 0, posted by Eric Quintero on Mon Aug 31 17:14:08 2015 
          icon2.gif   Re: Show attachments = 0, posted by Eric Quintero on Fri Oct 16 00:24:50 2015 
Message ID: 68081     Entry time: Thu Aug 13 08:41:57 2015     In reply to: 68080     Reply to this: 68105
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: All  ELOG Version: 3.0.0-70b274b 
Subject: Re: Show attachments = 0 

That's strange. If you use HTML or ELCode encoding, attachments are automatically hidden if they are used inline. So no "Show attachments = 0" necessary! I just tried that with the demo logbook and here is how it looks:

As you can see, there is no attachment shown in the full view. This is actually handled by the function "is_inline_attachment()" in elogd.c. I don't know if you can do debugging, but somehow this inline test won't work for you and the question is why. Can you try the simple configuration from the demo logbook and see if you still have the problem? Can you show me an example when this does not work. I need to reproduce your problem exactly in order to fix it.




Eric Quintero wrote:

I have "Show attachments = 0" set in [global], but attachments are shown in the "Full" view. Is this the intended behavior? Looking at individual entries correctly hides the attachments. 

We use inline images often, so when an attachement is shown at the bottom of a post it is effectively a duplicate, which clutters things up a bit. 


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6