There seems to be a small problem with the new "Date/Time format <attribute>" implementation. It works great for the detailed view of a single entry:

But fails to work on the list view (same entry, the Date column is formated as it should):

Relevant config part:
Time format Time Start = %H:%M:%S
Time format Time End = %H:%M:%S
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Version 3.1.1, released August 4th, 2015
Updated CKEditor to version 4.5.1
Implemented "Date/Time format <attribute> = ..."
Implemented "Use Email Subject Edit = ..."
Replaced "Back" by "Delete" button
Fixed many issues with Draft Messages
CSS file is now in *addition* to the default file elog.css
Added LDAP documentation
Added "Logout to URL = ..." option
Added description of Apacher server authentication