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Message ID: 68115     Entry time: Wed Sep 16 01:27:20 2015
Icon:   Author: Joseph McKenna  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.9.0(elogd) 
Subject: elog client overwriting attached files when editing existing log 

Using the elog client to upload atachments, I can successfully send attachments to an existing elog, however the existing attachments are lost.

I have tested using the elog client version 3.1.1 and elog client version 2.9.2 sending to elogd 2.9.0

elog -h localhost -p 8080 -l test -f  file1.png -f file2.png -e 249 -v -x

This works great, the text contained in the elog post is retained, however all attachments are lost and replaced with those sent by this command.

Can anyone provide some tips? I am not sure if its a problem with the client or server.

Thank you in advance!



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6