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Message ID: 68121     Entry time: Tue Sep 22 15:04:55 2015
Icon: Idea  Author: Edmund Hertle  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: All  ELOG Version: 3.1.1 
Subject: Suggestion for tooltips and/or comments 


if you define a Tooltip at the moment it is only displayed on the attribute. I would like it very much if it would also be displayed on the values (on the right column in the detailed view and on the whole column in the list view), since we are using the tooltips to define the units of the attribute and it would be nice to pop up when you hover a value.

As for the comment it would be nice to have a flag to also show the comment on the detailed view while looking at an entry. At the moment it is only showed when creating a new entry. Again we use this field to define the units.

This is an example of how we use these options:

attributes = Fill Number, Beam Current, Beam Energy, Beam Lifetime, RF Voltage S2, RF Voltage S4, RF Frequency, Synchrotron Frequency

Comment Beam Current = in mA
Comment Beam Energy = in GeV
Comment Beam Lifetime = in hh:mm
Comment RF Voltage S2 = in kV
Comment RF Voltage S4 = in kV
Comment RF Frequency = in MHz
Comment Synchrotron Frequency = in kHz

Tooltip Beam Current = in mA
Tooltip Beam Energy = in GeV
Tooltip Beam Lifetime = in hh:mm
Tooltip RF Voltage S2 = in kV
Tooltip RF Voltage S4 = in kV
Tooltip RF Frequency = in MHz
Tooltip Synchrotron Frequency = in kHz



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6