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icon5.gif   Submit to multiple logbooks simultaniously, posted by Francois Cloutier on Fri Sep 25 19:10:45 2015 
    icon2.gif   Re: Submit to multiple logbooks simultaniously, posted by Edmund Hertle on Fri Sep 25 22:24:18 2015 
Message ID: 68126     Entry time: Fri Sep 25 22:24:18 2015     In reply to: 68125
Icon: Reply  Author: Edmund Hertle  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: Current 
Subject: Re: Submit to multiple logbooks simultaniously 


You can use the elog command line tool and submit the same attributes to the 5 different logbooks by iterating over the logbook names executing something like this:

elog -l logbook1 -a "attr1=value1" -a "attr2=value2"

elog -l logbook2 -a "attr1=value1" -a "attr2=value2"

elog -l logbook3 -a "attr1=value1" -a "attr2=value2"

elog -l logbook4 -a "attr1=value1" -a "attr2=value2"

elog -l logbook5 -a "attr1=value1" -a "attr2=value2"

Another option would be having an additional common logbook, removing the commonly shared attributes from the other logbooks and add an attribute which links to this entry (using the "elog:logbook/ID" syntax as a value).

Cheers, eddy

Francois Cloutier wrote:

Good day,

My question is : Is it possible to submit to multiple logbooks simultaniously ?

I have 5 logbooks that could share common attributes, is there a way to acheive that without recreate a new entry in each of them ?

Thanks for your help.


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6