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icon5.gif   How does one create a html template for an entry, posted by kenzo Abrahams on Thu Oct 15 12:32:19 2015 
    icon2.gif   Re: How does one create a html template for an entry, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Oct 15 14:34:36 2015 
       icon2.gif   Re: How does one create a html template for an entry, posted by kenzo Abrahams on Mon Oct 26 11:16:54 2015 
Message ID: 68145     Entry time: Thu Oct 15 14:34:36 2015     In reply to: 68144     Reply to this: 68150
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.1 
Subject: Re: How does one create a html template for an entry 
> Good Day
> I am new to elog and have a question. This is best explain with an example. If I have two logbooks named "home" and "work" and I would like all the entries of home to be of a specific html format (for example a table containing
> a set amount of rows and columns) and work can be any plain text entry how would I go about doing this? I saw the documentation mention something about html templates but i cant seem to find the section about where they are stored
> or how they are created and applied to a specific logbook. I know how to restrict the entry encoding to either html, elcode or plain text for a logbook. Any help would be appreciated.
> Regard
> Kenzo Abrahams

So-called "custom" entry/view forms are a bit for experienced people. You should be fluent with HTML and JavaScript. The (minimal) documentation is here:

If you want a table style input form, better use Google Spreadsheets.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6