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icon5.gif   dynamic "preset text" option without remplace text if it has changed, posted by Dani on Tue Oct 27 15:41:57 2015 
    icon2.gif   Re: dynamic "preset text" option without remplace text if it has changed, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Wed Oct 28 08:51:17 2015 
       icon2.gif   Re: dynamic "preset text" option without remplace text if it has changed, posted by Dani on Wed Oct 28 09:15:52 2015 
Message ID: 68167     Entry time: Tue Oct 27 15:41:57 2015     Reply to this: 68168
Icon: Question  Author: Dani  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.1 
Subject: dynamic "preset text" option without remplace text if it has changed 

Dear all,

Is it possible to have a dynamic "preset text" option without remplace text if it has changed?

I would like to switch the template file depending on the attribute value (Type). 

If user already started editing the text body, on change (Type) he could lose this data. 

I'm using this example code :
Attributes = Type, Subject
Options Type = One{1}, Two{2}, Three{3}
Show text = 0

{1} Preset text = text1
{2} Preset text = text2
{3} Preset text = text3
{1,2,3} Show text = 1

I the attribute type change the user lost the data, because the text has been replaced.

Any idea about how to solve it?


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6