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icon1.gif   WYSIWYG editor for Elog not working in Debian Jessie, posted by Nicola on Tue Nov 3 18:22:33 2015 
    icon2.gif   Re: WYSIWYG editor for Elog not working in Debian Jessie, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Wed Nov 4 14:40:39 2015 
       icon2.gif   Re: WYSIWYG editor for Elog not working in Debian Jessie, posted by Nicola on Fri Nov 6 15:52:30 2015 elog-debian8.jpeg
          icon2.gif   Re: WYSIWYG editor for Elog not working in Debian Jessie, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Nov 6 16:06:34 2015 
          icon2.gif   Re: WYSIWYG editor for Elog not working in Debian Jessie, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Mon Nov 9 10:33:46 2015 
             icon2.gif   Re: WYSIWYG editor for Elog not working in Debian Jessie, posted by Nicola on Mon Nov 9 12:15:16 2015 
Message ID: 68184     Entry time: Mon Nov 9 12:15:16 2015     In reply to: 68183
Icon: Reply  Author: Nicola  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.9.2 
Subject: Re: WYSIWYG editor for Elog not working in Debian Jessie 

Hi Andreas, understood. I found a 3.1.0 package for Debian unstable but it won't install on Jessie since it depends on a newer version of openssl, and it seems to not have a systemd unit (not sure about that, though). I can live with my old version now that the WYSIWYG editor works, and in the meantime I'll keep my eyes open for a brave soul who would eventually package a newer elog version for Jessie.

Thanks again for the support.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:
Hi Nicola,
as Stefan pointed out: the debian package that you are using is from an outdated ELOG version and not supported anymore. I can't help you with that.
Is somebody out there that created a 3.1.x version debian package?
Cheers, Andreas
Nicola wrote:

Hi Andreas, I opted for the first solution since the Debian package, although outdated and broken, has some goodies like a systemd unit for managing the daemon which is very handy. I downloaded FCKeditor 2.6.11 from SourceForge (after a long search, seems that CKeditor made its parent almost disappear from the web), unpacked it in the proper folder and not the WYSIWYG editor works. I have just a couple of minor issues: there is no attachment drop area (I had it in my old Debian 6 server) and the editor toolbar has an ugly "Windows 95" look; see the attached image. I can live with these problems but if the can be easily fixed then obviously I would do that, can you give me any hint? Thank you very much.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:
Hi Nicola,
this appears to be a particular problem of the specific (outdated) ELOG debian package.
But you could just download the FCKeditor directly and install it to the proposed location "/usr/share/fckeditor".
Or you download ELOG 3.1.1 and give it a try to install it with the makefile.
Cheers, Andreas
Nicola wrote:

I suspect that this might be a Debian packaging issue; however no one replied to my help request on the Debian forums so I try posting the question also here. I insatlled Elog on my Debian Jessie machine, I can open it with a browser but when entering a new post just a simple plain text editing box is shown instead of the WYSIWYG editor, and no drag and drop area for attachments is shown. When I start the elog service with "systemctl start elog" I get this suspect message in the journal: "FCKedit NOT detected". Indeed, I see that the elog installation creates a symlink which I guess is supposed to point to the fckeditor installation, which nevertheless is missing:

root@static-3-080:/usr/share/elog/scripts# ll fckeditor
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Oct 25  2014 fckeditor -> ../../fckeditor
root@static-3-080:/usr/share/elog/scripts# ll ../../fckeditor
ls: cannot access ../../fckeditor: No such file or directory

Is this a Deban misconfiguration or a bug in Elog? thanks





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