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icon3.gif   Prefill attributes for new post, posted by Johan Forsberg on Tue Jan 12 11:35:55 2016 
    icon3.gif   Re: Prefill attributes for new post, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Tue Jan 12 11:48:57 2016 
    icon2.gif   Re: Prefill attributes for new post, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jan 12 11:50:22 2016 
       icon2.gif   Re: Prefill attributes for new post, posted by Johan Forsberg on Tue Jan 12 14:05:55 2016 
Message ID: 68216     Entry time: Tue Jan 12 14:05:55 2016     In reply to: 68215
Icon: Reply  Author: Johan Forsberg  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: V3.1.0-2411f95 
Subject: Re: Prefill attributes for new post 

Wow, than you both for the quick response! I agree it's quite a hidden gem, but the most important thing is that it works, thanks!

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Put a "p" in front of the attribute, like "&pSubsystem=Vacuum". This is kind of an undocumented feature just for the experts ;-)

Johan Forsberg wrote:

Hi all,

I have a use case for ELOG where I need to be able to "prefill" some attributes in the "cmd=new" form, based on the URL.

To illustrate, imagine a link that takes the user directly to the form for creating a new post, with the "Subsystem" attribute already filled out to "Vacuum".

Is this possible already? I've tried naively using URL parameters (e.g. "&Subsystem=Vacuum") but that does not work. If it's not implemented, I think it would be a useful feature to have (and quite important for my particular use case). I could create a new post first using the "elog" tool, with the desired attributes set, but it makes more sense to defer the actual creation of the post to the user, i.e. he/she might change their mind before pressing "submit".


Johan Forsberg, MAX IV Laboratory, Sweden



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6