Thanks, Andreas. I was aware of the "pending draft" menu, and I am aware that you can manually browse to an entry even if it doesn't appear in the list. However, for our operations group it is a requirement that any saved entry appears in the list, even if it's in the process of being edited. We won't be able to upgrade until this is possible.
Previous releases didn't have this problem, so hopefully it won't be too difficult to address with a new configuration option. Please let me know if there's something I should do to submit an official feature request / bug report.
Thanks again,
Andreas Luedeke wrote: |
Hi Devin,
this is the intended bevaviour, there is nothing wrong with that.
Only a submitted entry should be visible to the world.
If you would have played a little bit longer, you would have found out yourself how you'll get access again to this so-called "draft" entry after closing the browser window:
as soon as you attempt to create - as the same user - an new entry, you'll be asked if you want to continue editing your old draft entry instead.
I've attached a screenshot of this "pending draft" menu, as it has been shown for this entry before I've submitted it.
Kind Regards, Andreas
PS: You gave a very clear "failure" description: what you did, what you expected to happen and what you've observed what happened instead. Well done: that deserves a swift answer! 
Devin Bougie wrote: |
When an entry is being edited, it does not appear in the list once it's been autosaved or the editor manually clicks on "Save." This has been reproduced in the "Linux Demo" forum on this site, as well as on a clean installation of the 3.1.1 binary on EL6.
It would be great if there was a configuraiton option to control this, but I haven't found it yet. To reproduce:
- edit an existing entry
- click on "Save"
- view the list for that logbook, and the entry will be hidden until you click "Submit"
Obviously this becomes a problem when a user edits an entry, but navigates away from the browser window before submitting the changes.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,