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icon1.gif   size of atributes in summary mode, posted by Diego on Wed Feb 10 22:55:42 2016 elog_pic.PNG
    icon2.gif   Re: size of atributes in summary mode, posted by Diego on Wed Feb 10 23:44:38 2016 
Message ID: 68259     Entry time: Wed Feb 10 23:44:38 2016     In reply to: 68258
Icon: Reply  Author: Diego  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 3.1 
Subject: Re: size of atributes in summary mode 

I answer myself... Modify the value of width=100% in the class .listtitle2 in the .css file.

Diego wrote:

Good night,

I would be grateful if someone could indicate me, how could I increase the size of the block where the text of the atribute are in the summary mode.I would like, for example, increase the size of the "subject" you can see on the picture.

Thank you so much!!!





ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6