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icon5.gif   upgrade problem, posted by Tim Schelfhout on Tue Mar 15 19:53:55 2016 
    icon2.gif   Re: upgrade problem, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Wed Mar 16 08:39:55 2016 
Message ID: 68287     Entry time: Tue Mar 15 19:53:55 2016     Reply to this: 68288
Icon: Question  Author: Tim Schelfhout  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: ELOG V2.9.2-247 
Subject: upgrade problem 

Hello there,

After several years of great ELOG usage I decided to upgrade our ELOG server.  I am using it to keep 
a logbook of my students.

ELOG runs as a windows service but since I cannot access or change windows services (only have access to the
ELOG directory) I upgraded by installing the executable to my laptop then copying the new ELOG version over the server installation.  

Tried this first on my laptop going from V2.9.2-2475  to the last version 3.1.1 and this worked without a problem.

When I tried to reproduce this on the server  all the data is there but ELOG displays it as if no theme was installed. (using the default
by the way)  No colors, no formatting
... at first I thougt this was because the copy was not complete but a second try reproduced the same result???

Tried going back to the old version but then ALL data was gone (structure and all logbooks still there, but data in logbooks gone) ....
Used -v switch to debug and the logging displayed an MD5 hash mismatch, so the logbooks could not be opened.  A restore fixed this ....
I guess upgrading means changing the logbook structure?

Anyway does anyone have any idea why the upgrade loses formatting ??  Tips are welcome

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6