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icon5.gif   elogd dies upon search, posted by Christian Ludwig on Fri Jun 3 08:16:31 2016 
    icon7.gif   solved: elogd dies upon search, posted by Christian Ludwig on Fri Jun 3 08:59:49 2016 
Message ID: 68324     Entry time: Fri Jun 3 08:16:31 2016     Reply to this: 68325
Icon: Question  Author: Christian Ludwig  Author Email:
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: ELOG V3.0.0-21d 
Subject: elogd dies upon search 

Hi all,

ELOG V3.0.0-21dc563

Our elogd dies alwways when searching for full text:

elogd: src/elogd.c:465: xrealloc: Assertion `*((unsigned int *) (temp + old_size)) == 0xdeadc0de' failed.
elogd: src/elogd.c:465: xrealloc: Assertion `*((unsigned int *) (temp + old_size)) == 0xdeadc0de' failed.

The only change we did was adding/editing entries.


Does anyone else encounter the same issue ?

I did not find any hint in release notes that this issue would be fixed in a later version


Please don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. Elog does a great job for us since years.



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6