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icon5.gif   More than 100 attributes , posted by JD on Wed Jun 29 16:07:32 2016 
    icon2.gif   Re: More than 100 attributes , posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jun 29 16:58:15 2016 
       icon2.gif   Re: More than 100 attributes , posted by JD on Thu Jun 30 14:00:43 2016 
Message ID: 68345     Entry time: Wed Jun 29 16:58:15 2016     In reply to: 68344     Reply to this: 68346
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: Linux | Windows | Mac OSX | All | Other  ELOG Version: ELOG V3.1.1 
Subject: Re: More than 100 attributes  

The limit is in the variable 

#define MAX_N_ATTR      100

in elogd.c. If you increase it and recompile, it could work, but at some time you will get a stack overflow since arrays with that size are dynamically allocated on the stack, and depending on your compiler settings the stack size is only finite.



JD wrote:

I am modifying the elogd.cfg automatically with a script.  The Script fetches a list of systems from a LDAP database and writes them into an "Options" line in the elog.cfg.

Everything worked fine, until we hit the critical number of 100 attributes.  I saw this is also stated in the manual.

Is there any workaround? I downloaded the source code and hat a quit look, but couldn't find the section which is responsible for this behavior. 

Is there a reason for this limit?





ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6