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icon5.gif   Different logbook files when running elogd as admin or normal user, posted by Antonio Bulgheroni on Thu Jul 21 07:44:04 2016 
    icon2.gif   Re: Different logbook files when running elogd as admin or normal user, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Jul 21 08:08:07 2016 
       icon2.gif   Re: Different logbook files when running elogd as admin or normal user, posted by Antonio Bulgheroni on Thu Jul 21 09:37:47 2016 
Message ID: 68366     Entry time: Thu Jul 21 09:37:47 2016     In reply to: 68365
Icon: Reply  Author: Antonio Bulgheroni  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.9.2 
Subject: Re: Different logbook files when running elogd as admin or normal user 

So I found the my log files, but this issue should probably be documented.

When running as admin my logbook files are where they should (C:\Program Files (x86)\ELOG\logbooks)

When running as local user (with no admin rights), elogd has no writing access to the logbooks directory. So it falls back to use C:\Users\[MyUserName]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\ELOG\logbooks

In both cases elogd -v is not helping because it says:

elogd 2.9.2 built Feb 20 2013, 09:19:10 revision 2475
Config file  : c:\Program Files (x86)\ELOG\elogd.cfg
Resource dir : c:\Program Files (x86)\ELOG
Logbook dir  : c:\Program Files (x86)\ELOG\logbooks\
FCKedit detected
Indexing logbook "sample" in "logbooks\sample\" ... 

that is not true for the local user.

Thanks again for your help,



Stefan Ritt wrote:

I don't know why elogd uses different logbook directories depending on the user. Maybe you start it in different directories, or one user cannot read the config file and falls back to some default. Anyhow, you can start elogd interactively wit the -v flag which tells you which logbook files are parsed. There are no cache files or similar, everything is stored in Yymmdda.log files, you just have to search for them.

Antonio Bulgheroni wrote:

Dear all, I have a problem with my window elog installation (2.9.2) and I would like to ask your help for solving it.

I'm using elog on my lab computer for a single user installation, so something very simple. It was running smoothly for many months using the automatic window service (i.e. elogd was started automatically at boot). I need to add that the service is started as the local administrator, while my user has no administrative rights. ELOG is installed in the standard location C:\Program Files (x86)\ELOG\ with the logbook folder inside and this is actually accessible only for admins.

On 8/04/2016, elogd crashed while I was saving an edited message. Then instead of restarting the service or rebooting the PC, I was just starting elogd manually (as me not as admin). It worked for many weeks. And now comes the problem: at the next reboot the elogd service came up automatically but all the new records I added in the logbook since I re-started manually are not there. Indeed in the C:\Program Files (x86)\ELOG\logbooks the latest entry is 160408a.txt. But if I stop the service and restart elogd manually (as me not as admin), then I can see in the logbook all the new entries.

My questions is where the ascii files corresponding to the new entries? They must be saved somewhere, maybe in some temporary folder. I want to copy them back and keep them in the backup to avoid unpleasant surprise.

Thanks in advance for your help,




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