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icon5.gif   inserting pictures into a post, posted by d. nettles on Wed Jul 17 23:46:01 2002 
    icon2.gif   Re: inserting pictures into a post, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jul 23 09:21:38 2002 
       icon2.gif   Re: inserting pictures into a post, posted by JD on Fri Jul 22 09:58:47 2016 
          icon2.gif   Re: inserting pictures into a post, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jul 22 10:08:13 2016 Screen_Shot_2016-07-22_at_10.09.00_.png
             icon2.gif   Re: inserting pictures into a post, posted by JD on Fri Jul 22 10:27:09 2016 
             icon2.gif   Re: inserting pictures into a post, posted by Antonio Bulgheroni on Fri Jul 22 13:56:06 2016 
Message ID: 68368     Entry time: Fri Jul 22 09:58:47 2016     In reply to: 80     Reply to this: 68369
Icon: Reply  Author: JD  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 3.1.1 
Subject: Re: inserting pictures into a post 

I know this thread is realy old. Anyways I would like to give a +1 on this request.  As a workaround I currently wrote a small PHP Image Hosting/Upload Script and embedded a link to it in the Menue. 

On that page the user uploads the image and gets a link which he/she can embedd using the button... Easy, but a bit to complicated for some users ;)

Stefan Ritt wrote:
> does elog have a way of inserting pictures into a post other than including
> them as an attachment? i can put a picture in using html text, but this
> method only works if the picture is stored on the local server. anyone
> placing a post from a remote machine cannot include a picture off of their
> machine.
> any help?
> thanks.

Right now it is not possible to easily include pictures into the message body, but I put it on the wishlist. Of course you can always refer to external pictures if you submit your text as HTML and put the proper tags there like this one:

and you can even scale them like

but of course this requires to have that image stored somewhere else. I will probably add a feature like


which will reference a picture from the attachment, and will be converted to the full picture name after submitting that message.



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6