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Message ID: 68372     Entry time: Thu Aug 4 14:28:18 2016
Icon: Angy  Author: Chris Smyth  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: ELOG V2.7.8-229 
Subject: SSL 

How do I enable SSL with port 443 in version ELOG V2.7.8-2294 and rename from localhost?

Server is running Windows 2008

We got http://servername:8080 to work and on the network just fine..

but everytime we try to change the port to 443 in global we cant get anything with https:// working 

port = 443

ssl = 1

url = https://servername

how do you customize the elog.exe or elogd for windows enviorment to listen on port 443 with specific hostname. please give an example.



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6