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icon5.gif   error message "Command Config is not allowed" after registering, posted by Mark Bergman on Fri Oct 21 01:09:54 2011 
    icon2.gif   Re: error message "Command Config is not allowed" after registering, posted by Mark Bergman on Wed Feb 15 17:13:08 2012 
    icon2.gif   Re: error message "Command Config is not allowed" after registering, posted by Mark Bergman on Wed Apr 2 19:17:31 2014 
    icon2.gif   Re: error message "Command Config is not allowed" after registering, posted by Mark Bergman on Tue Sep 6 20:09:07 2016 elogd.c.patch
Message ID: 68419     Entry time: Tue Sep 6 20:09:07 2016     In reply to: 67137
Icon: Reply  Author: Mark Bergman  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.90 
Subject: Re: error message "Command Config is not allowed" after registering 


Mark Bergman wrote:

After registering, elog displays a page with the message:

     Error: Command "Config" is not allowed for user ""

However, the registration is successful. This causes confusion, and results in users registering multiple times.


In the elogd.conf file, I have the directive:

     Allow Config = bergman


Any suggestions?


Well, 5 years after opening this issue, with no responses here, I finally got into the source code and fixed it.

The problem seems to be if eLog is configured to prohibit users (non-administrators) from the "Config" option...but on the initial self-registration, the code goes to the Config screen for the user anyway...resulting in the false error message.

So, I [badly] hacked eLog to fix that, add some debugging/log messages, and to correct a typo.

Attached is the patch against release 3.1.1-1. Try not to cringe too much at my code. :)

Attachment 1: elogd.c.patch  4 kB  | Hide | Hide all
*** ./elogd.c	Tue Aug 23 21:27:39 2016
--- ../../elog-3.1.1.orig/src/elogd.c	Tue Aug  4 09:30:54 2015
*** 80,84 ****
  int _verbose_level, _current_message_id;
  int _logging_level, _ssl_flag;
- BOOL just_registered = FALSE;	/* flag to supress erroneous error */
  LOGBOOK *lb_list = NULL;
--- 80,83 ----
*** 13363,13369 ****
     if (new_user) {
-       write_logfile(lbs,"In save_user_config() with new_user==TRUE, setting just_registered=TRUE");
-       just_registered = TRUE;
        node = mxml_find_node(lbs->pwd_xml_tree, "/list");
        if (!node) {
--- 13362,13365 ----
*** 13432,13436 ****
        mxml_write_tree(file_name, lbs->pwd_xml_tree);
     /* if requested, send notification email to user or admin user */
     if (new_user && !first_user && (self_register == 2 || self_register == 3 || self_register == 4)
--- 13428,13431 ----
*** 13616,13619 ****
--- 13611,13615 ----
                 pl = strtok(NULL, " ,");
*** 26649,26666 ****
     /* save user info if "save" is pressed */
     if (strieq(command, loc("Save")) && isparam("new_user_name") && !isparam("config")) {
!       if (!save_user_config(lbs, getparam("new_user_name"), TRUE)) {
           return 0;
!       }
!       if ( just_registered ) {
!          write_logfile(lbs,"In do_self_register with just_registered==TRUE, resetting flag, calling show_login_page(NULL,\"\",0)");
!          just_registered = FALSE;
!          show_login_page(NULL, "", 0);
!       } else {
!          if (lbs)
!             sprintf(str, "../%s/", lbs->name_enc);
!          else
!             sprintf(str, ".");
!          redirect(lbs, str);
!       }
        return 0;
--- 26645,26655 ----
     /* save user info if "save" is pressed */
     if (strieq(command, loc("Save")) && isparam("new_user_name") && !isparam("config")) {
!       if (!save_user_config(lbs, getparam("new_user_name"), TRUE))
           return 0;
!       if (lbs)
!          sprintf(str, "../%s/", lbs->name_enc);
!       else
!          sprintf(str, ".");
!       redirect(lbs, str);
        return 0;
*** 27355,27364 ****
        /* check if user has access to logbook */
        if (!check_login_user(lbs, getparam("uname"))) {
!       	sprintf(str, "check_login_user access failure: user \"%s\", logbook \"%s\"", uname, lbs->name);
!       	write_logfile(lbs, str);
!          show_error("User has no access to this logbook.");
!          strlcpy(str, loc("New user"), sizeof(str));
!          url_encode(str, sizeof(str));
!          rsprintf("

<b><center><a href=\"?cmd=%s\">%s</a></center></b></td></tr>", str, loc("Register as new user")); return; } --- 27344,27348 ---- /* check if user has access to logbook */ if (!check_login_user(lbs, getparam("uname"))) { ! show_error("Use has no access to this logbook"); return; } *************** *** 27728,27747 **** strencode2(str2, command, sizeof(str2)); strencode2(str3, full_name, sizeof(str3)); ! ! if (strieq(str2,"Config") && just_registered == TRUE ) { ! /* this is the only time to skip the error that "Config" is not an allowed the Config was really ! called in order to complete the self-registration ! ! now, reset the flag */ ! write_logfile(lbs,"In interprete() with just_registered==TRUE, resetting flag, skipping error message that user is not allowed to run command \"Config\""); ! just_registered = FALSE; ! } else { ! sprintf(str, "Error: Command \"%s\" is not allowed for uname \"%s\", full name \"%s\"", str2, uname,str3); ! write_logfile(lbs, str); ! ! sprintf(str, loc("Error: Command \"<b>%s</b>\" is not allowed for login \"<b>%s</b>\", user \"<b>%s</b>\""), str2,uname,str3); ! show_error(str); ! return; ! } } --- 27712,27718 ---- strencode2(str2, command, sizeof(str2)); strencode2(str3, full_name, sizeof(str3)); ! sprintf(str, loc("Error: Command \"<b>%s</b>\" is not allowed for user \"<b>%s</b>\""), str2, str3); ! show_error(str); ! return; }
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6