I just test on your Demo logbook. I use a screen-capture tool to create an image which doesn't been saved as a file, the size is 1920*1080(1.8M), then copy it in clipboard, and then paste in text area. Then the web page become very slow, so that I can't submit it sometime. Sometime, I can submit it but it say "Entry text too big. Please increase TEXT_SIZE and recompile elogd". If I drop an image file into the text area, it works. I used IE11.
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
How big is your image? I just tried a 5000 x 3600 pixel image (8 MB in size), and it worked fine on the demo logbook.
Xuan Wu wrote: |
Thanks for your advice! I've test that dropping an image from my local disk into the text box with Elog-3.1.2. It did work. However, I still have a question want to ask that When I paste a small image into the text area, I can submit it successfully. But when I paste a bigger one, it will say "Entry text too big. Please increase TEXT_SIZE and recompile elogd". And There's the same result in https://midas.psi.ch/elogs/Linux+Demo/. I can drop the image into text area now, so it doesn't matter.
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
I guee you tried to paste an image into the text area, and your browser somehow converted this into a text entry, which then of course can become very long. Elog since vesion 3 supports drag-and-drop. You can drop an image from your local disk into the "Drop attachemnts here..." box at the bottom of this page. You can also drag an image directly to the text box like this one: , but some browser might not work correctly. If it's not working for you, try it in the demo logbook https://midas.psi.ch/elogs/Linux+Demo/ If it works there, please update your elog to the newest release and you should get it.
Xuan Wu wrote: |
Hi all,
A error came out when I pasted a photo in the text area with HTML Encoding. The photo is a snapshot from Print Screen. When I submitted it, it said "Entry text too big. Please increase TEXT_SIZE and recompile elogd". How can I get rid of this? I've tried changing elogd.cfg that: ;Message Height = ;Message Width = or Message Height = 500 Message Width = 500. None of these work.
By the way, I want to ask another question that whether it can load a photo on local disk not only the photo URL by click image of the Image info in CKEditor. Can CKFinder integrate in CKEditor and then it can browse local file on tab of image info. My colleagues prefer pasting photos in text area than uploading it as attachment in our site.
Any advice or sugguestion will be appreciated.