Hello Stefan, thanks for your answer. So I made a new logbook, without entries. I generated, as you, two new entries and I discover that this problem come out when in the URL the command for the sorting follow the command of the display mode. So for example the following URL give me the issue:
But if I put:
This last URL is working. This means that the issue come out, when I change the dispay mode by the buttons "Full, Summary, Threaded" and then I click on the Coloumn "Record date" for sorting it. Hope you understand and you can reproduce it. Many thanks
EDIT: I'm facing the same problem on another MAC with a fresh installation of elogd.
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
I tried your config file on my Mac and it just worked fine without any crash:

Could it be that on entry has corrupt data and is killing your server? Have you tried on a pristine new logbook?
stefano bonaldo wrote: |
I'm facing with a crash, which happen when I sort the entries by a datetime attribute (sort or rsort) and then i change the display mode from Full, Summary and Threaded.
For example, the elogd crashes when I try to connect from the Full display to Summary in sort mode. The issue presents for example by entering with the following URL:
Can you please help me?
Here I reduced my elogd.cfg at minimum and I still get this issue:
port = 8080
[65 nm]
Attributes = Record date
Type Record date = datetime
Preset Record date = $date
List Display = Record date
Start page = ?sort=Record date