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icon14.gif   Is it possible to add custom menu commands, posted by Alex Kühnel on Sun Jan 8 19:26:29 2017 bereitschaft.PNG
    icon2.gif   Re: Is it possible to add custom menu commands, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jan 9 11:00:53 2017 
       icon2.gif   Re: Is it possible to add custom menu commands, posted by Alex Kühnel on Mon Jan 9 16:02:35 2017 
Message ID: 68538     Entry time: Mon Jan 9 16:02:35 2017     In reply to: 68536
Icon: Reply  Author: Alex Kühnel  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.2 
Subject: Re: Is it possible to add custom menu commands 

ok, tnx! I will do the export and calculation with Excel



Stefan Ritt wrote:

No, calculations are not easily possible with elog. You can write some Javascript code to pull out all minutes, add them up and manipulate the DOM tree to show the results, but this requires some JavaScript knowlegde. Alternatively, export your table to a CSV file and do your calculations with a spreadhseet program.


Alex Kühnel wrote:

hi forum,

my question, is it possible to add a custom menu entry (f.e. "Auswertung"). I will start a new php page and do some system code starting from the new page. I have attached a pic of my "Bereitschaftsdoku".

I have a filter for the week (KW1 2017). With this filer i display all my jobs for this week. At the end I have to count all minutes for class 583 (Tagesstunden) and class 586 (Sonn und Feiertage) and display the results.






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