My MacOS (10.12.2) elogd version V3.1.2 is a recent git commit (edc5e85), due to the fix to my earlier-described issue solved in the thread here:
I am trying to (re-)set up Mirror functionality with a linux server running the standard public (V3.1.2-bd75964). I had initially updated the linux server so that it also had the latest git commit (edc5e85), but could then not even add new logbook entries that involved attachments to it. I therefore rolled the linux server back to the standard public 3.1.2 version.
On the remote Mac, synchronizations usually look like they are going to work fine, with Mirror simulate = 1 switched on. After I set Mirror simulate = 0, and if the server and remote logbook are already identical, I *occasionally* get the proper "All Entries Identical" synchronization result. Unfortunately, this is very rare, and usually there is a failure whereby the remote (Mac) logbook decides that a significant fraction of its entries (usually sequential, from some seemingly random entry all the way up to the last entry) are missing on the linux server and need to be submitted back to the server from the remote Mac.
When the local and remote logbooks are not identical, and a record in need of synchronization contains an attachment, there is again destructive behaviour similar to that described above, except that the Mac elogd executable usually crashes. (As in the case of the already-identical synchronizations described above, I only tested this after observing the correct expected behaviour first with Mirror simulate = 1.)
I'd be grateful for some help/suggestions. My current testing suggests that my problems are likely not elog-content dependent. (The logbook now undergoing synching has less than 10 entries in it.)
More generally, the issue of having things behave fine with Mirror simulate = 1, but then experiencing corruption/damage when switching to Mirror simulate = 0 seems serious to me.
Many thanks, Andreas