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icon5.gif   Is it possible change content of the notifying mail content (attachements...) ?, posted by Christine Quicot on Tue Feb 7 18:45:08 2017 
    icon2.gif   Re: Is it possible change content of the notifying mail content (attachements...) ?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Feb 7 18:54:00 2017 
       icon2.gif   Re: Is it possible change content of the notifying mail content (attachements...) ?, posted by Christine Quicot on Wed Feb 8 09:34:39 2017 
          icon2.gif   Re: Is it possible change content of the notifying mail content (attachements...) ?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Feb 8 13:09:58 2017 
Message ID: 68574     Entry time: Wed Feb 8 09:34:39 2017     In reply to: 68573     Reply to this: 68575
Icon: Reply  Author: Christine Quicot  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: commit a6e5962 
Subject: Re: Is it possible change content of the notifying mail content (attachements...) ? 


I'm sorry but that's a part of the manual I've read many times, and I'm not interested in changing the subject of the email, but only body and attachements.

I guess that if I didn't find these answers in the manual, it's because the answer for both questions is no ?


Thank you

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Please look in the manual under "Email Format" and "Use Email Subject".

Christine Quicot wrote:

Hello all,

I would like to configure the email that is sent to notify users, when an entry is submitted:

- Is it possible to attach to the mail the files attached to the entry ?

- Is it possible to configure a string (with entry keywords) that will appear in the mail content instead of the default content ?


Thank you!





ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6