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icon7.gif   Possible misuse of email headers Message-Id and In-Reply-To, posted by fbretel on Wed Feb 8 16:38:15 2017 
    icon2.gif   Re: Possible misuse of email headers Message-Id and In-Reply-To, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Feb 8 18:16:30 2017 
       icon2.gif   Re: Possible misuse of email headers Message-Id and In-Reply-To, posted by fbretel on Wed Mar 15 16:04:13 2017 
          icon2.gif   Re: Possible misuse of email headers Message-Id and In-Reply-To, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Mar 15 16:42:35 2017 
Message ID: 68576     Entry time: Wed Feb 8 16:38:15 2017     Reply to this: 68577
Icon: Smile  Author: fbretel  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.1 
Subject: Possible misuse of email headers Message-Id and In-Reply-To 


As mentionned before, we happen to fail to receive email messages related to updates on elog entries at our site. My understanding is that the SMTP header Message-Id MUST be unique for each email message. Whereas all elogd email messages get something like <logbook>-<entryId>@<domain>. See source code. For this header to become unique, there should be a random part in it.

Having the same Message-Id in multiple email messages results in only the first one being delivered on some email systems.

Moreover, elogd sets the In-Reply-To: header in the same manner (<logbook>-<entryId>@<domain>). Which is incorrect because this header relates to email messages, not elog entries, and should contain the email Message-Id of the email message to which it replies, itself handled by the email messaing system. But elogd hasn't received any email messsage in the first place. So I believe this header should simply be dropped.

I think I can provide a pull request on bitbucket for the Message-Id issue, and probably also for the In-Reply-To: if you decide it can be removed.


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6