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icon5.gif   Issue with zero-length mail attachments, posted by Andrew Daviel on Sat Mar 18 02:10:33 2017 
    icon2.gif   Re: Issue with zero-length mail attachments, posted by Andrew Daviel on Mon Mar 20 22:44:27 2017 
Message ID: 68582     Entry time: Sat Mar 18 02:10:33 2017     Reply to this: 68583
Icon: Question  Author: Andrew Daviel  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.7.5 
Subject: Issue with zero-length mail attachments 

We have elog-2.7.5-1.i386 on SL 5

If I create an elog entry using the web interface, and include an inline image,  email is sent with a zero-length named attachment - the MIME header is present, but no content.

In the config file, Email Format = 47, though I also tried with format = 63.

Is this a bug that was fixed in a later version, or a configuration error (or a new bug) ?

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6