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icon5.gif   Weird behaviour of category filter, posted by Daniel Sajdyk on Fri Jul 14 13:18:30 2017 Category-Software_and_Subcategory-Antywirus.pngSubcategory-Antivirus.png
    icon2.gif   Re: Weird behaviour of category filter, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Wed Jul 19 08:58:51 2017 
Message ID: 68642     Entry time: Wed Jul 19 08:58:51 2017     In reply to: 68638
Icon: Reply  Author: Andreas Luedeke  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: ELOG V3.1.2-bd7 
Subject: Re: Weird behaviour of category filter 

Hi Daniel,

I agree: it should. And it does in my case; it works perfectly fine for my logbooks. Maybe you should have a closer look for special characters in you configuration? Otherwise I don't know why it does not work for you.

If you haven't figured it out already you would need to send a working snippet of your logbook configuration together with a minimal collection of entries that are filtered wrongly.

Cheers, Andreas

Daniel Sajdyk wrote:


Today I noticed that when I use category filter in the top, right of Elog I got different results, that depends on that if I select Category and Subcategory or just Subcategory option.

What I mean.

  1. When I select category Software (in Polish "Oprogramowanie") and subcategory Antywirus I got results that have only this subcategory specified (screenshot Category-Software_and_Subcategory-Antywirus.png)
  2. But when I write by myself Antywirus (which is subcategory of Software) in subcategory option (category leave as default), then I got results that have this, and other subcategories specified (screenshot Subcategory-Antivirus.png). 

In my opinion in first example Elog shoud also displays all entries that have Antywirus subcategory specified. Not only when it is the only subcategory.

Sorry, for my english, but I have hope that you can understand what I mean.



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