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icon5.gif   Conditional attribute activation, posted by Devrim Esenturk on Fri Jul 21 15:24:33 2017 
    icon2.gif   Re: Conditional attribute activation, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Mon Jul 24 14:33:51 2017 
Message ID: 68650     Entry time: Mon Jul 24 14:33:51 2017     In reply to: 68649
Icon: Reply  Author: Andreas Luedeke  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: Latest 
Subject: Re: Conditional attribute activation 

Yes, this is possible by using "Conditional Attributes". Have a look at the ELOG syntax help:

To hide attributes on edit, you can use "Show Attributes Edit =  ..." for the conditions; and you only list the comment reason for the case where the value of the other attribute has the value "reserved".

If you don't get it to work, then just post your logbook config with some comments on what you want to achieve.

Cheers, Andreas

Devrim Esenturk wrote:

I have a stock database running latest elog version on windows. I am reserving some products which not been sent to customer mistakenly and using value "reserved" for it. But I need another attribute for comment reason of reserving but this attribute must be activated when reserved value selected. Is this possible? I didn't see any option for this at admin guide.


Thank you


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