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Message ID: 68714     Entry time: Fri Jan 12 09:54:41 2018
Icon: Question  Author: Xuan Wu  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.3 
Subject: about attachment 

Hi all,

Some elog users of our site(CSNS) mentioned some advice about attachment:

1.Can imagemagick create thumbnail for .bmp file now?

2.Can re-sort the attachments after attachments uploaded by dragging or clicking up/down arrow or anything except deleting and re-upload attachment again?

3.Can add some description under the thumbnail of uploaded attachment? I've suggested them adding the description to the name of attchment or writing the detail in the text area. They are seem not very satisfied with this solution.

Any advice and suggestion will be appreciated.


ELOG V3.1.5-fe60aaf